Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

Our visual system is not just about seeing 20/20. Our eyes also need to coordinate well to be able to have comfortable vision otherwise we may encounter issues such as eye strain, headaches, double vision, losing your place easily when reading, fluctuating blurriness, and the inability to see 3D stereopsis. 

There are numerous binocular vision problems that can arise from a dysfunction of the coordination of the two eyes, but many of these coordination issues can be trained and improved upon which is what vision therapy accomplishes. Vision therapy uses a series of specific eye exercises to address specific eye coordination dysfunctions to attempt to eliminate the symptoms of having those dysfunctions which can impede daily life. 

It is easy to imagine that if a child cannot read comfortably to the point where it hurts to read, that they will not enjoy reading or school. That is why it is vital for children to have routine annual exams to screen for these potential problems, especially if they are having difficulty in school.

Comprehensive eye exams include checking binocular vision too. To book an eye exam, click here.